You now need someone
(1) to find the right approach to overcome the challenges
(2) who is there for you immediately and exclusively
(3) who is able to fight the battle and solve the problem based on his experience and expertise
Imagine that an evil competitor has decided to eliminate your company from the market. His financial background and personnel resources are enormous. He has no anxiety whatsoever. He undercuts your prices, headhunts your best staff, is spreading loads of negative messages about your company, your family and about you as a person in internet forums, he influences your suppliers badly, he maligns you wherever he can, and takes you to various courts (with highest jurisdictional amounts) because of infringement of competition laws, presses criminal charges against you, feeds the press with information and so further and so forth…
In such a situation you do not only need nerves of steel, but first and foremost a strong partner on your side, who makes sure that you get out of that trouble howsoever as quickly as possible. You need a crisis manager and Spin-Doctor, who finds the right approach to fight the enemy and who is able to implement all necessary actions – if need be with the help of special forces such as dedicated experts of various disciplines and professions.
I’m looking forward to your mandate!
Spin Doctor &
Special Operations Forces |
The heat is on. All of a sudden you are facing problems, which are so threatening that they cannot be dealt with the usual methods and techniques. |